Joe has now been fitted with a more permanent cast because he is such an active boy, however the wires are poking through the skin, so he has been brought forward for surgery to remove them (Feb 11th). He (and Ben) are thoroughly enjoying the Wii that Matt purchased - it is easy for Joe to operate with his cast. He has of course returned to the trampoline, has been skateboarding and even sat on his bike - give him a couple of days and he'll be out on that doing wheelies!
We visited our land out in Ohoka last week as we hadn't been over for several months - slightly overgrown!!! but we mowed part of the verge and have hired someone to mow the lot! BIG JOB! Next year we will have to make sure it is more adequately managed!
Now the introduction......Yesterday was a big day in our house as we took collection of our first NZ family pet. Her name is Ella and she is 3/4 Labrador and 1/4 Huntaway. She is 5 months old so is well trained (and toilet trained!), loves children and is just adorable! We have been visiting her over the last week and her previous owners came to inspect our home before handing her over (they are in the process of emigrating to Perth). We are all thrilled to bits to have her and our first 24 hours with her have been fun. She was quite excitable last night but has calmed down immensely. I think we have worn her out today with a walk in the forest and beach this morning, then a trip to the kite festival this afternoon.
Her first ever experience of the sand and the ocean was a success - she has discovered the joys of digging holes and raced around in the surf having a lovely time. The boys have been very excited and keen to help (except with the poop scooping) - Joe didn't even switch on the Wii this morning as the dog was an exciting distraction