He had a horrible oozy wound where one of the wires was poking through the skin - yuck. After an X-Ray we saw the doctor who said they wouldn't remove the wires yet and he would go back into a cast for another fortnight. This time he chose a purple cast and there was plenty of padding inside to protect against the exposed wire.
Today we returned for another appointment. Again the giggles!
The doctor pulled out the exposed wire with Joe wide awake and no pain killers - Joe wasn't too happy and did shout "ouch", but no tears! The other wire was still under the skin so it was either going to be an operation, the anaesthetic cream (which takes some time to take effect) or a local injection. I opted for the local as we know Joe is a brave boy. He winced at the injection but then a nurse coaxed him into trying the gas and air - he loved it and laughed out loud! Afterwards he told me it made him feel 'weird' and hie eyes went blurry, but he liked it!
He now has a dressing on for a couple of days, to be changed until the wound heals. Now he is banned from 'risky activities' on doctor's orders. No trampoline, bike, skateboard, contact sports, swimming etc for another 6 weeks. Then we return for X-rays and a check on his range of movement. He will be monitored for a couple of years as this type of injury can sometimes effect growth of the arm/joint. Keeping him away from a rugby ball is going to be an uphill battle!, especially with club registrations starting next week!