Enough! and on to brighter things. We spent a weekend visiting Lake Tekapo (SW of Chch) and it was as stunningly beautiful as the guide books describe. A fantastic turquoise, that the photo really doesn't do justice.
Thankfully we all warmed up in the hot springs that overlook the lake that afternoon. We also went up Mount John to the observatory, making do with a spectacular daytime view of the Southern Alps, Lake Tekapo and Mount Cook. The boys paddled at Lake Alexandrina and thoroughly enjoyed being outside all weekend. Luckily the sun shone so we saw it at its best. Joe can't wait to revisit the area in winter, he is excited about being able to sledge and learn to ski!
We've (hopefully only temporarily) lost recent photos including Tekapo as our PC has decided to give up the ghost and take all our files with it. Hopefully we can recover some and they'll be included in the next viewable album. We did our first tentative off-roading in 'Ed - the beast' and of course the boys loved it. It handled the bumps beautifully and we didn't get wet crossing the river at Rakaia Gorge. - Just when it will get a proper wash now is anyones guess!
While Matt sorted the study, Mum and I took Joe and Ben into the city for the Chinese Lantern Festival. The bus was late so we were wet when we arrived and then it just got worse! We ate in the rain and watched the show in the rain - however it was fantastic.
The lanterns were beautiful, the food delicious and the show was great! Joe watched a Kung Fu demonstration and came over to tell us that it was 'totally awesome!', how Kiwi is that? We all loved the 'mask changer' so I've included a clip.
Not sure what is next on the agenda. We are busy with everyday life. Matt is busy at work. Joe attends Kindy everyday and is starting to have play dates with his friends. Ben is now a 'Jumping Bean' (kiddy gym class) and has developed an obsession with trampolines. He also goes to toddler group once a week and I've joined the committee. We also swim every week and are trying to get out on our bikes as much as possible (luckily it is very flat and the pavements are wide - although the gutters are huge as Joe will tell you after landing in them on a couple of occasions). Ben is increasing his vocabulary, albeit reluctantly. He is a stubborn little soul and refuses to perform for us, let alone the camera. Some secret recording may be necessary soon!
Love to all, from all of us!
'The brave and the follhardy' ... which category am I?