The Super 14s rugby is well underway. Matt and Joe have not missed a home game. Ben and Nana will experience their first matches on Saturday when there is an early kick-off.
Ben is busy with his friends and activities too. He, Josh (little) and Quin are quite the terrible trio! Annissa is now at afternoon kindy and has diversified into dancing so we don't hang out with her quite as often, but Ben is always excited to see her at Friday playgroup.
I am helping with the fundraising at playcentre so we are busy organising a nearly new sale for the 22nd March - lots of fliers to be delivered, advertising and posters in shops. We hope we will sell enough tables as the date is rapidly approaching! Then we have to hope the buyers come too!!!!
Ben now does three afternoons at preschool which he enjoys. He loves the enormous sandpit, the bikes and the swings and is quite chatty about what he has done when he gets picked up.
Mum had Bob and Margaret staying with her during a chunk of January and it was lovely to catch up with them. We took the boys along to the Chinese Lantern festival just before they left and had our tea picnicking by the river - just lovely. Katherine and Roy hosted a lovely barbeque at their place so we had plenty of time to catch up.
The biggest news is that we have finally had our offer on a patch of land accepted. The whole process began ages ago (2 weeks before Christmas), but the vendors have finally come down to our 'fair' offer and we have signed the first bits of paperwork and the lawyers are starting their searches etc. We are now starting the process of looking at plans and builders.....very exciting, but also rather daunting as the most we have ever done before is knock down an internal wall!
Here are the links to the Real Estate listings for the plot - We've offered on Lot 1, but the pictures are of both Lots.
The pages probably wont be there too long once the offer is processed, but if all is successful we'll post some pictures!
The site is 500 metres off the road down a shared driveway, fenced pasture with a small wood lot on the boundary along Ohoka Stream. The boys will be able to walk down the drive, cross the road and be at school!
FINGERS CROSSED! More news will follow as soon as we know.
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