We have found an architect that we like and have started discussions about our build. It will be a long process, but hopefully exciting as we have never done this before. We went out for a site visit last weekend and Ben was desperate to take his tent so that he could sleep in it overnight and move into the house the next day. Not sure he has the idea about how long things will take. He has one thing right though - 'Mummy and Daddy can't build a house as they aren't clever like builders!'.

We had a trip up to the Waipara wine and food festival. Friends had organised for us all to stay nearby. The boys were thrilled about sleeping in a converted railway carriage.
After a nice barbecue tea on Friday night they headed to bed in their sleeping bags. Not a great night for Matt and I, the bunks were narrow, the mattresses noisy and the boys restless! The Saturday dawned wet and rainy but the kids enjoyed a walk to the local cafe for hot chocolates. We decided to try out the festival as we had already bought tickets online and hope the day brightened. Luckily it did, we had a picnic,
sampled the wine and watched the kids run around all afternoon.
Great day! Joe and Ben both had a go on the bungy tramp and even managed to behave during the half hour wait!
That evening Matt fell ill (not due to excess alcohol we should add) and we had to call an ambulance. It took a while to find us and we are very grateful to all our friends who took care of us. Luckily there was a nurse on the site and she and some of the other guests were a great support too. Louise came with Matt and I in the ambulance while other friends looked after the boys (who all slept together with Josh, Quin and Toby in their own carriage). The ambulance met up with a road accident en-route and Matt was transferred to the paramedic's helicopter. Louise was a star and drove me to Christchurch Hospital. After some scans and tests Matt was transferred to the ED observation ward. The next morning Matt was fine, didn't remember the events of the night before and raring to go! He has been referred to a specialist for further investigations and we are waiting to hear about an appointment. It was all horribly scary, but things are so normal now that it seams totally surreal.
Joe has received the Player of the Year award for his touch rugby team. This is despite not playing this term due to his broken elbow! He is pretty pleased and champing at the bit to play ripper rugby this season. we are not sure when he will actually be able to play because he still cannot straighten his arm and the wound is still open. He also received an excellence award at school this week and was chosen to be the 'star of the week' by his teacher.
Ben has been signed up for kindy. He will be going to the centre next to Joe's school and will start some time in April or May. He will attend every morning so we are finishing up at Playcentre and playgroup this term. End of another era! and only another year until he starts school. He is enjoying having Ella around and has even named all his toy dogs Ella too. Today at playcentre he dressed up in a dog costume and played fetch! aaahhhh.
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